feet on stilts


You can support the next generation of artists along with the division’s current and future programs and initiatives with a tax-deductible donation. To learn more about how you or your business can support the UW–Madison Division of the Arts or its programs, please contact info@arts.wisc.edu or 608-890-2718.

Give to the Arts

Division of the Arts

Gifts of all sizes are welcome and appreciated. All monetary gifts are considered a charitable contribution to an educational institution. Click here to donate online.


The Division of the Arts provides a variety of funding to UW–Madison arts-related students and faculty. We do so through our annual Awards in the Creative Arts. Support UW artists by setting up a scholarship or an award in your name or in the honor of a loved one.

For questions on donating to the division overall fund, scholarship, or the below festivals, please contact info@arts.wisc.edu or 608-890-2718.

Wisconsin Film Festival

The Wisconsin Film Festival costs over $300,000 to produce on an annual basis. About half of the budget is covered by ticket sales. We purposely keep tickets prices low to make the Festival accessible and to encourage patrons to support local businesses.

Individuals can get involved by making a contribution to the Wisconsin Film Festival’s Real Butter Fund! The Real Butter Fund is a way for folks to help support the Festival through voluntary donations. These funds are applied to many of the Festival’s expenses and are for the betterment of the Wisconsin Film Festival. The Festival is a nonprofit educational program, and any contributions to the Real Butter Fund are considered donations to the UW–Madison. Click here to donate now.

Madison Early Music Festival

The Madison Early Music Festival is a non-profit organization. We are supported by our audiences, participants, donors, and in-kind facilities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We welcome your support as a Friend of the Early Music Festival. Friends of MEMF was created to help secure the future of the Festival. Members receive special benefits and recognition during the Festival. Donate now to keep the Madison Early Music Festival thriving in Wisconsin.

Sponsorships & Partnerships

Partnering with UW–Madison arts programs is a great way to engage and attract the attention of large audiences both on and off campus. Our world renowned artists-in-residence, festivals and fabulous performances of theater, music, dance and spoken word, along with amazing visual arts exhibits excite and challenge large campus and community audiences. A few examples include:

  • The Wisconsin Film Festival is the largest university-produced festival in the nation. We attract as many as 30,000 attendees each year to see around 150 films over 8-days. Our sponsorship deck provides detailed information on sponsorship benefits.
  • The world renowned Madison Early Music Festival draws virtuoso musicians to teach and perform classic early pieces for dedicated students and fans.
  • The Studio Creative Arts Community is an immersive artistic laboratory and residence hall for 64 first-year undergraduates to experiment and explore their talents.

Each year, top Madison companies engage and entertain customers, clients, colleagues and friends. This is done through partnerships and sponsorships with some of these programs.

Working with specific programs will help your company reach the talented and creative undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and staff that you need for your company to succeed. To find out more about partnering with or sponsoring specific programs, contact info@arts.wisc.edu or 608-890-2718