The Wisconsin Film Festival‘s Big Screens, Little Folks (BSLF) series features specially curated full-length and short films for young people that will inspire and delight. The Big Screens, Little Folks: Short and Sweet program is aimed at grades 3-5 or ages 8-11. The program Big Screens, Little Folks: Shorter and Sweeter is aimed at grades K-2 or ages 4-8. Free workshops offered in conjunction with the BSLF series take place over the Festival’s long weekend.
In addition to public screenings each spring, we arrange for school field trips to the Festival. Study Guides provide curriculum integration and resources for teachers and parents.
The 2020 Wisconsin Film Festival and BSLF programs were virtual! Short and Sweet and Shorter and Sweeter films were free online in the Big Streams, Little Folks festival.
Updates on the 2021 BSLF Festival will be posted soon.
If you are interested in arranging a BSLF field trip or sponsoring the series, contact