Tuesday July 23 – Saturday July 27, 2019
Days/Times: Tuesday 7/23: 5:00-9:00pm
Wednesday 7/24 – Saturday 7/27: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Location: Grainger Hall and other UW-Madison campus locations plus site visits to one urban and one small community
Cost: $1,200
CEUs: 3.6
Registration: continuingstudies.wisc.edu/classes/creative-placemaking/
Learn and exchange principles and practices of arts-based community development. Course will consist of online materials, discussions, site visits, and a mock design. Gain an understanding of the principles of creative placemaking. You will learn about considerations and criteria for developing and assessing projects. The course will also cover best practices for building partnerships. Course fee includes transportation to site visits but does not include meals for day trips.
Through this course you will:
- Understand and articulate the theoretical and practical implications of creative placemaking on community revitalization efforts;
- Understand and articulate the importance of the arts and culture in both making and keeping a sense of place and pride in community development;
- Convey complex ideas around models, good practices, and program evaluation for creative placemaking;
- Develop a network that supports participants’ continuing exploration and/or practice of creative placemaking.
Audiences for this course: Urban and rural community and city planners; economic development staff; public artists; community engagement staff at arts and cultural organizations; arts and placemaking teachers and practitioners; arts managers; community developers; entrepreneurs; non-profit managers; landscape architects; community policymakers.
Site visits: Participants will visit both urban and rural sites in Wisconsin. Participants will talk with community stakeholders from private and public sectors. We will also participate in a mock design process led by members of the UW Extension Community Vitality & Placemaking team. Transportation provided; participants provide own meals.
Instructor Bios
Sherry Wagner-Henry is the director of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration at UW-Madison. She is an advocate of artist-led community development and is especially concerned with building long-term partnerships that support the health and well-being of Wisconsin communities.
Todd Johnson has a diverse background that includes architecture, technical theatre, public art, education, urban design, and planning. Prior to his work with the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, he worked as a regional planner; an urban designer; a theatrical technical director, designer and lecturer; an architectural designer and construction manager; and as a county educator with the University of Wisconsin-Grant County. For over 20 years, Todd has coordinated and participated in community design charrettes in rural Minnesota and Wisconsin. His current role as Land Use + Community Development Specialist enables him to co-lead the University of Wisconsin-Extension’s Community Vitality + Placemaking research team in which he has been able to continue his work with community design charrettes and placemaking research.
More Information:
jessica.courtier@wisc.edu | 608-890-3626