UW–Madison’s Division of the Arts empowers student artivism with third year of Artivism Student Action Program

Artivism Student Action Program banner, featuring illustration of a hand holding a picket sign that reads "Fund your artivism! go.wisc.edu/UWASAP

The Division of the Arts believes in the power of the arts to create change through action. The unit’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Applications for the third year of funding for the Artivism Student Action Program (ASAP).

This academic year, a total of $15,000 is available to UW–Madison students in any year or major of study, student teams and Registered Student Organizations. Funding awards range from $100 to $1,500 (individual students applying can receive up to $750). Cross-campus and community partnerships are encouraged.

ASAP was launched in the fall of 2021 in response to students’ desires to use artivism (activism-centered art) to bring about a more equitable world. The program provides financial support for student-led, art-based interrogations of longstanding oppressions, biases and inequities. ASAP projects address social issues, facilitate dialogue and create spaces to design and imagine social transformation.

Projects should feature, center, benefit and/or be led by people marginalized due to their racial, sexual, religious, cultural and gender identities; physical abilities; socioeconomic status; or any other form of identity-based oppression not listed here.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the 2023-2024 academic year based on available funding and will be evaluated on a biweekly basis. Applicants will receive decision notifications within one month of receipt, except during university breaks. Proposals are evaluated based on five main areas: quality and creativity, urgency, public benefit and impact, feasibility and demonstrated need.

Applications are now open on the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH). For more information on the program, evaluation guidelines or other requirements, email asap@arts.wisc.edu or visit go.wisc.edu/UWASAP.